Even though I agree with everyone that this piece has strong themes about society/class/family, I believe a deeper interpretation can be found elaborating on the concept of "celebrity." Sankaran's story disturbs me because she makes me think about celebrity, America, and my students in a new way.
Examples of celebrity litter the text. Beyond the obvious red carpet reference which Maydum refuses to acknowledge as part of who she is, there is Raju's naming his daughter after a Bollywood star, and the worshiping "peasants," from the kitchen to the grounds, who adore Maydum for what they perceive as her celebrity stature. The opulence in which she lives also promotes this concept. But beyond the list of evidence, Maydum reacts like a modern celebrity. She lives in a world protected from the forces which alter and change Raju. Therefore she can play her part and then just as quickly revert back to her Paris-Hilton-party-mode and forget Raju, his family, and their situation.
I fear this same commiditization of celebrity is happening to many of you. Your online profiles promote an atmosphere of celebrity to others, and even you status as seniors make you celebrities to underclassmen who see you as models for how to create themselves, just as Raju sees Maydum as a model for his daughter.
So what are your thoughts on the concept of celebrity? Do you agree with my analogy? Post your ideas here.